Wonderful, fun, beautiful, amazing, blessed, unique, your own

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Lazy Summer

I went to the beach for an overnight with my mom.  

One of many things that I love about the beach is how relaxing it is.
I think it is the only place that I can go (and I know that my mom can go) and I can be content sitting and staring.  
It is so peaceful and relaxing. 

I took long walks and had great conversations with my best friend. 
Just the two of us, two beach chairs, an umbrella that we did not use because it was too cold if you sat under it, good books, and fun food.
Two perfect days of summer. 

The beach was, as my dad would say, wide enough to land an airplane on. 

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Another Year, Another Week


However you say it, I am now the big 2-0. 
2 decades!  
But, what can you do.  There is no way you can stop time, you just have to embrace it.

Nineteen was pretty fabulous.  A hard year to beat.  And in all honesty (not to be a pessimist) I don't think twenty will be the year that tops it.  I lived in Florence for four months and traveled to five different countries in Europe.  If I could see into the future, I would say that this year will probably keep me a lot closer to home. 

Saying that I miss Florence is an understatement.
I would be lying if I said I didn't think about it everyday.  Or look at pictures everyday.  Or talk about it everyday.  Or that I wasn't sobbing, yes sobbing, when I got off the airplane in Gainesville.
It was a wonderful part of my life. Amazing, fantastic, superb, incredible part of my life. I have made friends and memories that I know I will have for my entire life.  This is what I have to focus on.  

So a week has passed since I came back to the US from the place that I will someday call home again.  A week passed and I turned another year older. 
That's the way that life goes. 
Here's to a great week
And thank you for all the Birthday wishes.