Wonderful, fun, beautiful, amazing, blessed, unique, your own

Monday, August 22, 2011

Cookie Dough

This is completely random but I have been thinking about it a lot lately.  Yes, I have been thinking about cookie dough, weird I know.  But to my defense, I have been nannying for the past 11 days and is there anything more fun then baking? Nope and it is something that every single kid I have ever watched likes to do.  So I have been making cookies.  And eating cookie dough.  Now this is where you might gasp and say, "how can you let the kids eat raw eggs?"  Well, I guess you should never let me watch you kids then.  But please, how many of you have eaten cookie dough.  I would hope every single one of you because let's be real for a minute, the cookie dough is about 248389758934x's better then a baked cookie.  One of the kids I was watching did give me an absolutely disgusted face when I asked her if she wanted to lick the spatula and told me there are raw eggs in cookie dough. So she missed out by not eating any. 
So here's my take on cookie dough. 
1.) It's delicious.  Like seriously one of the best things you can eat.
2.) No one I have ever know has ever had salmonella from eating cookie dough or even had it for that matter.
3.) People still ate beef when there was Mad Cow, still ate tomatoes when they had salmonella, still ate chicken when there was bird flu, ect...
4.) If for some reason I get really sick, I can go to the doctor and tell him/her that I ate raw cookie dough and then they can hook me up to IV's or whatever and I will be good as new again.  But until this happens, I will keep eating raw cookie dough.  

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