Wonderful, fun, beautiful, amazing, blessed, unique, your own

Friday, August 12, 2011


I am back to the blogging atmosphere hopefully for a good long while. I literally can't sleep at night because my brain is thinking of things I could blog about and that I want to share.  So many things to share, so much happening.  Well, I feel like a lot is happening but then I think about what I did and it doesn't sound like that much.  Time is funny, isn't it?  Sometimes there aren't enough hours in the day, sometimes there are too many.  Tangent. Okay, back to what I was talking typing about. 

Other then babysitting and nannying I have been trying to accomplish all my crafts that I have wanted to do all summer.  Some are going pretty well, one is complete (YAY!!!), one is taking forEVER but then again I knew it would.  I am sure you are wondering, "Well Caroline, what crafts are you doing?" Why thank you so much for asking!  I am trying to make my house next year beautiful and my bedroom fabulous! I have such a vision for it and I just hope hope hope that it will turn out like I how I think it will.  

I have been collecting/hoarding picture frames because I want to make a huge wall picture frame collage on one wall with my pictures from Italia and Europe.  It is going to be fabulous, well at least in my mind.  I have these super cute prints that I bought that are Italy related along with two pictures that I am having blown up.  I am also decorating lots of frames to hang.  So this is one of the frames that I just finished painting but now that I look at it, I think I am going to put it somewhere else with my group Summer Staff photo.  

I am also trying to make a bunch of these flowers with all my sisters leftover sewing fabric.  I think I need to buy some more basic fabric but for my first try, these turned out pretty well.

And then, Ta-Da! The one project that I actually finished!  Initial hooks for me and my sweet roommates that we can hang our keys and what not on.  I LOVE the way they turned out and I hope they do to!

Then my one super big humungous project that I should have started back in May, my scrapbook from studying abroad lest semester.  Such a huge task.  I took so many wonderful pictures, it is hard for me to narrow it down.  And I am not even very good at narrowing it down!  Rome is 12 pages and I didn't even really like Rome that much.  Well, I liked it but it wasn't one of my top favorite places.  I think I printed about 100 pictures of Rome and no, that's not really an exaggeration. I just finished Rome today so that's why it's on my mind.  I am just trying to get it done before I go back to school and I am determined to finish! 

So I think that's about it craft wise.  I have more flowers to make, more picture frames to decorate, pictures to print, and a scrapbook to finish.  Maybe I should stick to one project at a time but that's just not my style. We'll see what I actually finish and what I have to continue working on up at school. 

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