Wonderful, fun, beautiful, amazing, blessed, unique, your own

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Last Sunday, I accomplished
two items of my bucket list: running a half marathon and being 
Cinderella.  I have always LOVED Disney and have always thought it would be so much fun to be Cinderella in the park.  Although I was not exactly Cinderella, I dressed up as her to run through Disney, Magic Kingdom, and Epcot.

 And let me tell you, it was so much fun.

 I don't know how running 13.1 miles is fun, but this was.  

I ran in the Disney Princess Half Marathon with over 20,000 other people!  That's a crazy amount.  The majority were dressed up in costumes as princess, princes, Disney characters, or just wearing tutu's and tiaras.  The best part was that I trained for it with my best friend.  Although we lost each other within the first minute or so, it was fun to train with her and then spend the night before together.

I honestly think everyone should run in this.  It was an incredible experience and it was never boring because, let's be real, is Disney ever boring?  There were tons of photo opps along the way and easily over 1,000 volunteers handing out water, cheering us on, and holding signs.  High school bands woke up at an ungodly hour to play for us as we ran by.  And then the families of all the princesses running were there to encourage and cheer for us.

Next year is the 5th annual Disney Princess and I will definitely be running in it.  It was such an amazing experience. 

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