Wonderful, fun, beautiful, amazing, blessed, unique, your own

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Amalfi Coast

I am back for a moment since I leave in less than 9 hours for Barcelona!  I am going to do a quick over view of my trip last weekend to the Amalfi Coast.  It was such a beautiful place and I believe that I saw one of the most interesting places in the whole entire world- Pompeii.  Absolutely amazing.
Just look through the pictures to hear more about my trip!  It was awesome and I got a bit tanner :)

Warning: It's really long. I have 40 pictures for this one blog.

This is the town we stayed in, Sorrento.  It was beautiful.  We walked here on the way to the Marina.

View of Sorrento from the Marina

This is in Capri.  We came here on the first day- Friday. 

In Capri, we did a HUGE hike.  The views were stunning but the hike was definitely difficult in a good way.  The water around the island is so pretty. 

Me at the very top of Capri.  I was the only one from my program who came on this trip so I rocked the FSU gear this day :) 

More pictures from the amazing hike.

I met a ton of super nice people.  This is Katie and I by the Blue Grotto.  We hiked to this after we hiked to the top of the island. 

Unfortunately, it was too choppy to go into the blue grotto though.  I guess I will just have to come back one day!

The beach!  I absolutely love the beach.  I collected some pebble sand and a bunch of little pieces of sea glass.  I guess Italian's don't collect sea glass. 

The second day, we went to Napoli in the morning with our tour guide Bruno. He gave a great hour and a half tour of the city.  I am so glad I was able to see this other major city in Italia. 

Milan is known for vendors selling knock-offs and other trinkets on the side of the street.  I didn't buy anything though.

Some of the buildings in Napoli were really pretty. 

Bad part- trash strike in Naples.  This was a very small pile.

Some really pretty building that is now a shopping mall type thing.

The main Piazza in Naples.  It looks kind of like a mini-Vatican. 

The King of Naples Castle! This was neat to see. 

Does this look familiar to anyone? 

It's pizza from the oldest pizza place.  The place has been around for 150 years and it was in Eat, Pray, Love not to mention it was amazing!

After Naples, we came back to Sorrento for a minute.  

Then we went to Positano!  It was beautiful.  These are some of my new friends too! They are from Washington State but are also studying in Florence.  Kelsey, Taylor, and me.

This was too pretty not to post

Here's a view of Positano from the beach! 

And the beach of course!  It was such a beautiful day.

I got into the water about that far.  It was cold!

Sunset on the way back to Sorrento. 

I had a delicious fish dinner in Sorrento. 

We stayed in these super cute little cabins in Sorrento.  Ours was kind of messy but I really liked staying here. My roommates were also really nice.  I had the bed to the far right. 

Our final day we went to Pompeii.  It is definitely the most interesting place I have ever been in my life.  To say I loved it would be an understatement. 

Small theater.  The volcano erupted in 67 AD so this town was preserved super well.  Just image that this is exactly how it looked that long ago.  It's amazing. You literally step back in time and into history. 

Old roads!

A temple. Sorry, I don't remember the name right now

In the brothel 

Walking through Pompeii.  

The main forum area.  This area was actually huge!

You can see a dead doggie in the middle. I like to call this area the home and garden section of Pompeii because it reminded me of Home Depot a bit because of all the pottery, bowls, and vases they found. 

This is sort of sad- the dead man behind me looks like he was praying. 

This is the bakery of the town. 

Mt. Vesuvius in the background 

The Red Room.  Look at the frescos that are STILL there!

The cafeteria. 

Well, that was my weekend and it was amazing!  I loved the Amalfi Coast so much and I am so happy that I went considering that I almost did not.  

Now, I am off to Barcelona in 4 hours.  I will be sure to catch you all later!  I will be back super early Sunday morning. Have an awesome weekend. 

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