Wonderful, fun, beautiful, amazing, blessed, unique, your own

Friday, July 15, 2011

Funny Friday

Yay! It's Friday and if Rebecca Black's awful song isn't in your head yet, it now is :)

So another week of day camp is over and thank goodness for that.  It was a long day today.  So here are some funny things the kids did or said to hopefully brighten your day if it's as rainy and gross as it is here.

The kids tied jump ropes to a hula hoop and pretended they were dragons by putting the hula hoop around their middle.  This prompted a lot of: "He's stepping on my tail!" "Stop pulling my tail!"  "Rawr, I am dragon.  Do you see my firey breath?"  "I am going to eat you!"

One little boy wanted his jump rope made into "that thing cowboys have since I am a cowboy."  Then came the scream of, "Jackson is trying to lasso me!" 

"Can I have a hoop de hoop?" (Hula hoop)

"I am going to beat my boyfriend Max... Max, I just beat you! He's my boyfriend." 
Max, "No I am not." 
Caitlin, "Yes you are.  Sometime he just forgets."  

While giving a tennis lesson to my five year old neighbor, I told him we were going to start by hitting some balls and then we'd play a game.  He walked over to the ball hopper and starting hitting the balls with his hand and asked, "So can we play a game now?"

And last but not least my 14 year old brother who is currently in a stage where he says that he is brown.  I think the picture sums it up.  
The left sticky note says Kenny
The top one says Kenny's real mom. 

Oh boy, what I am going to do with this kid?

Have a great weekend y'all. 

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