Wonderful, fun, beautiful, amazing, blessed, unique, your own

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Windy Gap Say YEEESSSS

"For we are his handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for the good works that God has prepared in advance, that we should live in them." Ephesians 2:10

Here we are- Summer Staff Session 1

My time at Windy Gap was incredible.  I had more fun then I thought imaginable and made friends that I love dearly. I am not really sure how to write this since so much happened and so many memories were made.  I guess I will just start with the basics and ramble on from there.

I was assigned to be a PM cook which means that my three wonderful friends, myself, and our amazing intern Jill prepared dinner for around 400 people every night for three weeks.  You would be amazed (I think) at how much food teenagers eat.  It's incredible.  The kitchen was so much fun too.  I had my doubts at first but I cannot image being placed anywhere else.  God sure does know what he's doing. 
The evenings were filled with fun, laughing, and just plain old ridiculousness.  We helped with the obstacle course that was every Sunday night where Sam, Sam, Elizabeth, Hannah, and I got to whack campers with pool noodles as they ran through a trench of mud.  Sam and I became four year old boys when this happened and told the campers they were running through poop and found ourselves (and songs) hilarious.  We were so muddy by the end of the night from being splashed that it looked like we went through the course too.   
We tribal danced in Cedar lobby, sang praise and worship, went to club, stayed up late talking, had girl time that went for hours (which was wonderful) and became closer to one another and the Lord.  It was amazing.

We also had a few minutes of free time where we could participate in some of the fun things the campers get to do like the nascarts and the big swing.  SO FUN.  I think Hannah and I smiled the entire time of both things. Don't let the picture on the swing fool you, we were told to make silly faces. 

My lovely fam after riding the nascarts.  Awkward family photo award right here please.

The big swing. 

My summer staff coordinators were the absolute best. They cared for each and everyone of us so much.  They are truly a testament to God's love.  Here is the lovely Jess and her husband Andy are being loved by some sweet friends.  The funny thing is that in the picture I took before this, poor Andy is all alone. Luckily some silly boys came to his rescue. 

The saying that God meets you where ever you are at is so so so true.  I feel like I met God again at Windy Gap.  I suppose it would be kind of hard not to when he's all around.  I saw God literally all over the place.  I saw God in every summer staff friend.  I loved seeing God work in them when they would be doing their devo's or just spending some sweet time with him.  I saw God in the Assigned "A" team and their beautiful families.  I saw God in 300 and some campers who accepted Jesus into their lives over the three weeks I was there.  I saw God in their leaders who loved their kids so well.  I saw God in my summer staff coordinators through the way they loved us and through their faith.  I saw God when 350 teenagers where jumping and singing in the club room.  I saw God in the work crew who worked their tales off for kids their own age to be able to have the best week of their life.  There is not one place where I can say that I did not see God.  He is everywhere and he is amazing. I am so glad that I was able to go to Windy Gap, experience a Young Life camp, and meet God again in this way.  My faith has deepened and so has my love for my Lord.  He found me at Windy Gap and I needed him to find me. My God is so good and he loves me perfectly.  How amazing is that? 

The kitchen is a dangerous place.  
Hannah, me and Jill. 
 Only one of us really needed the blue wrap. 

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh i LOVE all of this!!! it makes me want to do summer staff so badly! can't wait to see you again caro..glad you had an amazing time!!
