Wonderful, fun, beautiful, amazing, blessed, unique, your own

Friday, July 1, 2011

Little Kiddos

After about a month (or two), I am back and ready to start blogging again!  These next few are not in chronological order.  I woke up this morning and thought that I wanted to share with you all the funny things the kids that I work with say.  
So Fridays for the next couple of weeks will be funny phrase Friday. 

This week at the camp I work at, I was asked by a darling little 4 year old if I would go on a date with him.  When I asked him again what he said, he told me that he knew I would say no.

There was a fire alarm that went of yesterday at camp and the same little guy from above told me that it was a good thing that he was there because he is a firefighter. And if he isn't at camp and there's a fire, I should call him because he fights real and fake fires. 

This one may be a tad inappropriate but it is funny.  Another little guy had been in the bathroom for a while so I asked him if he was okay.  He replied, "Geeze, I am just trying to wipe my butt." 

A precious 4 year old came up to me on the playground and said, "Do you know I am a real money?  My dad says that I am."  He then proceeded to climb up the pull up bars and then beat his chest and make monkey noises.

I have a feather in my hair from a camp I volunteered at a couple of weeks ago (much more on that later).  When the little girls saw it, they were amazed.  I get asked multiple times a day if they can pet my feather.  They always answer with, "Oohhh, it's so soft."

I babysit and give tennis lessons to this absolutely adorable little four year old who says some of the cutest things ever such as:

What a beautiful day! The crows are crowing, the faces on the trees are smiling and the blue jays are chirping!

Well, I think this play date is off to a very good start. 

My mom keeps throwing away my Christmas lists and I am mad at her.  Don't tell me when to forgive her because I already decided that I will forgive her December 1st.  (Then I said) "Don't you think that's a long time?  Maybe you should forgive her a little sooner since we have a couple of months to Christmas."  J replied, "Okay, how does August 2nd sound then?"

I absolutely LOVE kiddos.  Not only are they adorable, but they put a smile on my face every time I see them.  I cannot wait to work with little ones for my real job and hear what funny things they will have to say (especially since I will be working with kids who need speech therapy).

Happy Friday!

Here's a sneak peak of what I will be blogging about next- Windy Gap! 

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