Wonderful, fun, beautiful, amazing, blessed, unique, your own

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Feb. 29

Seriously, this is the coolest day ever.
It's an extra special day that happens just one time every four years.
I wish I was either born on a leap day or I want to have a baby on a leap day one year.

Just think, you'd have a little convo that would go something like this.
Let's just ignore the fact that I am making up a conversation between two fake people, mkay? 

Oh, when's your birthday?

February 29.

Wait, what?  There's only 28 days in February.

Nope, I was born on a leap year.

Shut up! No way! That's so cool!  Wait, then when do you celebrate your birthday?

I get to choose. So I can either decide to have it February 28 or March 1.  And then of course, on my real birthday, it's even more amazing because it's my actual birthday.

Wouldn't that be so fun?!? And I would hope you'd get even more presents when your birthday would fall on February 29 since that's you actual day of birth. 

Not many people get to chose when they celebrate their birthday.  Maybe in my next life, I will beborn on February 29

So I am going to celebrate today by watching Leap Year. 
And thinking about how I wish I was in Ireland right now because I was this time last year. Sigh

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Life is full of love. 
And Valentine's Day is the day we get to tell and show people love because apparently every other day isn't enough.
When I have a valentine one day, I want every day to be valentine's day. 

Here's some valentine's day fun.

I went to Publix a few days ago and the first words out of my mouth were, "Holy Valentine's Day."
Then I thought how fun it would be to run through them and let them all fly all over the store.  But I like Publix a lot so I decided I wouldn't do that so I wouldn't be kicked 
out.  Instead, I just looked for the most ridiculous of balloons. 
I spy a large bear with a heart for the body...

My lovely grandma sent my a valentine's day card with a treat inside. 
She is truly so sweet, loving, and caring. 
She never fails on sending holiday cards.
Then my most special valentine gave me the lovely gifts below.  My sweet mother.  She is the best.
I called her up to gush over my presents and I said, "I don't ever need a valentine because I have you!"
So sweet, right?  
To which she replied," Oh yes you do, one day."
Thanks mom.  
Anyways, thanks to her generosity, I was able to give all seven of my sweet roommates cheesy valentines that said things like
Fashion First Valentine!
You're my #1 Fashionista Valentine!
Shine and Be Mine Valentine.
Seriously, they are so cute though.  And I was even nice enough to share my valentine's day peppermint patties.  They are my favorite candy ever.  Not just peppermint patties, but the valentine's day ones specifically because they are heart shaped and pink on the inside. 
And I can't wait to make and use all the yummy food related things!

And how might I be spending this finest of evenings?
Oh just baking about 8 boxes of brownies. Not because I am sad that I am single (I am perfectly happy being single for the time being) but because I have about 50 middle schoolers who I promised I would bring brownies to tomorrow- my sweet wyldlife kids.
Now that's love. And a whole lot of brownies. 

Happy Heart Day Valentines! 

Monday, February 13, 2012

So good and so healthy

Although I already eat pretty healthy, despite my sweet tooth, I have been trying to eat really healthy lately.  It just makes you feel so good and it tastes so much better then non-healthy food.  I have also been trying to eat less meat and more beans and veggies. So this is how I have come to have a love affair with this lovely little salad.

I stumbled upon this blog. Not really sure how I found it considering it's a pregnancy blog but anyhow, I did and I am so happy because now I have this delicious salad to eat.  And I just checked her blog now and she has had an adorable little baby!

Well back to the salad.  It's a tuscan white bean salad and you know me, if anything has the word tuscan in it, I will try it because it reminds me of Italy!

So here's what you need for the salad:
White beans

Kalamata Olives
Red Onion
Feta Cheese

For the dressing:
Red Wine Vinegar
Olive Oil

So here's how you do it:
Drain and rinse those beans
Cut up your veggies
Put into a bowl
Make your dressing and pour it on top
Add some basil- fresh is always best
Mix it all together
Add croutons
And eat!

So good.

Let me know what you think!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

2 Weeks

Pictures from the past two weeks thanks to my phone.
And instagram. Which I love! So come follow me: carolineeconner :)

Drew and Ellie Concert
Seriously, they are the cutest.
So much love in this picture 

Not a fan of me in this picture but we met them!

15K run for Cancer with my mom and best friend! 

So excited to run a half marathon with Beth in just two weeks!

Yes I have weird eyes in this picture.
Other than that
Cheese Burger in Paradise!  From Margaritaville.  
Ate here before...

The Jimmy Buffett Concert!
Happy 50th Birthday Daddio! 

Crazy Jimmy fans.
It's a land shark.  

And ta-da!  My Kindle case I made with the help from my loving sister.
And I LOVE this case. 
I managed to squeeze 4 types of fabric, lace, and a cute button on it.
It's so precious. 

Now I am off to study phonetics, read some on my kindle, and go to leadership where a wonderful younglife committee member is nice enough to feed us.  
Happy Sunday lovelies. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

3 1/2 Things

So I was thinking today about 3 and a half things that make me happy.  Little things mind you, since many things make me happy.  These are things that if I had so much money that I could spend it on whatever and not a blink an eye, I would buy/do these everyday.

1.) New toothbrushes
     Seriously, what's better than a new toothbrush?  And I don't like the automatic ones.  I can brush my teeth fine by myself thankyouverymuch. There is just something that makes your teeth feel so nice and clean the first time you use a toothbrush

2.) New Socks
    I don't think there's too much to say about this.  I mean, socks are the softest and most comfortable when they are new. And you can run farther and faster. It's a proven fact... by me.

3.) Clean sheets
     Nothing better then laying in bed with clean sheets surrounded by the lovely sent of your flower laundry detergent and fresh lavender dryer sheets. Yummy

1/2) Fresh Flowers
     This just gets a 1/2 because I don't need new flowers everyday so this would be more like a once or twice a week occurrence. They're just so pretty and happy and smell so nice.

So yep, these are some of my favorite little things.

And then I will leave you with this gem because a post with no pictures is boring.

He wasn't being very cooperative but I wanted a picture of him before I came back to school.
But he really is pretty. And fat. And hairy. But that's okay because I love him. If those adjectives described anything else, I would NOT love it. 

That's all I've got for now.
Goodnight lovelies.