Wonderful, fun, beautiful, amazing, blessed, unique, your own

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

3 1/2 Things

So I was thinking today about 3 and a half things that make me happy.  Little things mind you, since many things make me happy.  These are things that if I had so much money that I could spend it on whatever and not a blink an eye, I would buy/do these everyday.

1.) New toothbrushes
     Seriously, what's better than a new toothbrush?  And I don't like the automatic ones.  I can brush my teeth fine by myself thankyouverymuch. There is just something that makes your teeth feel so nice and clean the first time you use a toothbrush

2.) New Socks
    I don't think there's too much to say about this.  I mean, socks are the softest and most comfortable when they are new. And you can run farther and faster. It's a proven fact... by me.

3.) Clean sheets
     Nothing better then laying in bed with clean sheets surrounded by the lovely sent of your flower laundry detergent and fresh lavender dryer sheets. Yummy

1/2) Fresh Flowers
     This just gets a 1/2 because I don't need new flowers everyday so this would be more like a once or twice a week occurrence. They're just so pretty and happy and smell so nice.

So yep, these are some of my favorite little things.

And then I will leave you with this gem because a post with no pictures is boring.

He wasn't being very cooperative but I wanted a picture of him before I came back to school.
But he really is pretty. And fat. And hairy. But that's okay because I love him. If those adjectives described anything else, I would NOT love it. 

That's all I've got for now.
Goodnight lovelies. 

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