Wonderful, fun, beautiful, amazing, blessed, unique, your own

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cliffs of Moher

One of my most favorite places that I have been. 
The Cliffs of Moher.
Absolutely breathtakingly beautiful.
We actually went to a good deal of places on this tour which was a pleasant surprise.  We thought we were just going to the cliffs and back but instead we saw some more of beautiful Ireland!
Our bus driver was this old man, Desmond, who was probably 75 years old.  He was super cute towards the beginning but towards the end when he began to repeat everything twice, he got a little annoying.  For example, "Galway Bay is on the left, here on the left is Galway Bay."  Lovely

Our first stop was at the Dunguaire Castle which is an old medieval castle where the ocean is the moat.  We walked around the outside. 
Then we drove through an area called the Burren.  It's a limestone landscape but we also saw some beautiful countryside with sheep, cows, and llamas! 
 We stopped at this super random place called the Ballyalban Fairy Fort.  It was an ancient farmer homestead but now people think the leprechauns and fairies live there.  Who knows?!
We also saw Gleninsheen Wedge tombs which date back to 2500 and then the Poulnabrone Dolem which is supposedly really famous. It dates from the 5800 which makes it older than the pyramids! 
We also saw the Kilfenora Cathedral and Crosses.  It was from the 6th century.  Wow- sorry to through all these dates at you.  Don't worry, there won't be a quiz at the end :)
Finally we made it to the Cliffs of Moher and they were amazing.  Just look at the pictures.  I don't even know what to say about them other than the fact that my pictures don't even do it justice.  

On the way home, we saw a leperchaun head thing on the side of the road which was cute and then Galway Bay.  It was such a great day.  Ohhh man, those cliffs will forever be in my mind. 

1 comment:

  1. I have been all those places!!!! It is so fun to see pictures again. The Cliffs are definitely breathtaking! Looks like Ireland was a fun trip. Did you have any Guiness?! I made sure to drink at least one a day while I was there :) hehehe
