Wonderful, fun, beautiful, amazing, blessed, unique, your own

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Gift of Gab!

While I was in beautiful Ireland, we made a day trip down south to see some beautiful little towns and well as see Blarney Castle and kiss the Blarney Stone!  So now I have to gift of gab for 7 years because if you kiss the stone, that's what you get!  I am not entirely sure why.  I think some dumb girl (as in she couldn't speak) kissed it and was able to talk.
First up on our trip was a stop in Cobh.  It is a super cute little costal town with a pretty cathedral, Saint Colemans up on a hill.  We walked up to the cathedral but decided against going inside.  We took pictures down by the water and enjoyed smelling the ocean again!  Interesting fact about Cobh.  It was the last port of call for the Titanic and you can still see the White Star Line's Titanic office there.  I really like the Titanic so this was a super neat surprise and so neat to see.  Sadly, out of the 123 people who boarded here, only 44 lived.  
After Cobh we drove to Kinsale which is supposedly the gourmet capital of Ireland.  It was also on the water so I had some super yummy fish n chips.  It was so nice to eat fish again, even if it was fried.  
We then drove through some stunning Cork County countryside.  Ireland is exactly how I thought it would be- rolling green hills, cottages, and pastures with sheep!  So pretty. 
Then we made it to Blarney Castle and the grounds.  I have never seen a more prefect fairy-tale type place. Oh my future husband, watch out because we are either getting married here or having engagement pictures taken in this spot. There was weeping willow trees, a creek, bridges, the bulbs were beginning to bloom and with the castle in the background, I honestly felt like I was in a story book.  
We climbed through the castle <and I mean climbed since the stairs are so narrow and tiny> until we reached the top.  The castle was so much older looking then I thought it would be.  It's crazy to think that it was built by hand and that royalty lived in these drafty, somewhat dank buildings with not heating or running water.  Crazy how times have changes.
At the top, there was this old man who helps hold you when you kiss the Blarney Stone.  Too bad he wasn't younger and more attractive.  It is a lot father down then you originally think but it was so cool to do!  Now I will just be talking up a storm.

So that was our Cork and Blarney tour day.  One of my most favorite places is up next :)

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