Wonderful, fun, beautiful, amazing, blessed, unique, your own

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Hike through Tuscany

Step Two of an Amazing Weekend: Hike through Tuscany

I went on a hike through Tuscany with my friends, my Italian and Humanities teacher, and one of the ladies who works for our program and her two adorable kids.  The hike was awesome.  I love hiking and living in Florida, it's not something I am able to do very often.
We had pretty good weather and luckily the rain held off.  We had a picnic lunch, saw butter houses (a house where they would store butter because it stays cold) and then went to a monastery where we crashed a wedding- unintentionally of course!  Our teacher wanted to show it to us but there was a wedding going on so we waited outside but then the party moved outside- awkward.  We were all in our bright rain coats and the Italians were all in dark grays and blacks.  Oh well, it's a funny memory to have.
Pretty Waterfall 



Butter House


Group Photo

Gaby, Bufano (my teacher) and me

The wedding

Dark clothes

And us

The hike was beautiful and the views were great.  It was such a fun day. 

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