Wonderful, fun, beautiful, amazing, blessed, unique, your own

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ciao Y'all

 SOOOOO, I am on my way to ITALY!!!  Well, I am actually just chillin in the airport but whatevs.  

I received some super exciting news yesterday. 


I am placed on HC WYLDLIFE team!!!!!  I am so so so excited!  I have the best team EVER- seriously.  Mollie and I are the only new leaders which obviously makes us super special.  I cannot wait until next fall to meet all the kidos and start having an AMAZING time.  YAY!

Other not so exciting news.  I had to pack yesterday.  Let's just say that I had a TON of stuff.

Packing was rough.  I mean, I am going to be there for 15 weeks so I have bring a lot.  It all fit in the end though :) I have 2 big duffle bags, a backpack, and a small duffle. I am going to need to find a hot Italian man to help me carry all this stuff!!!!

I also made this luggage tag to which my mother looked at and LAUGHED!  She told me it's really going to make me look like a foreigner but I am a 5'10'' blond hair blue eyed girl.  Let's be honest, not having this cute luggage tag is not going to make me look any more Italian. She also told me that I wasn't allowed to do any more crafts :(  (I was on a bit of a crafting spree but I don't know if I will be able to do any across the pond)  Too bad I didn't listen because I finished my fall sophomore year scrapbook this morning.  It looks wonderful.  I am so happy I finished it.  Scrapbooking takes a ton of time and can be pricey but it is totally worth it.  If you don't, you definitely should start even if it means waking up at 6 am to finish!  

So now I am just waiting to get to Italy.  I have only had 4 crying episodes, not because I am sad to go to Italy but because I wish you all could come with me.  Please come visit! I would love love love to have you :)  

So I guess the only thing left to say is Ciao y'all.  I will talk to you next time from Italia :)

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