Wonderful, fun, beautiful, amazing, blessed, unique, your own

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Okie Dokie

So, I have never really blogged before. Well, actually I had to for my intro to art therapy class but no one looked at it except my teacher because I cannot draw and it would be embarrassing for others to see my 2nd grade art level attempts.  This is a new experience for me.  Oh, I am not going to apologize for the randomness of this blog since I have thousands of ideas that run through my head or for my horrible spelling (but thanks to spell check, it hopefully won't happen).  It's just how I am :)

I have been wanting to start a blog for a while now but I never got around to it.  Since I am leaving for Italy in 2 DAYS, I figured this would be a great time so my friends and family can keep up with what I am doing and where I am. Oh my gosh, I leave in 2 days.  CrAzY!!

I guess I should start to think about packing...

Here is one of the adorable crafts that I made for my room in Italy.  My roommate had no idea what's in store for her or them (I don't know who my roommate is or how many I have yet and I really with they would tell me!)

So, if you are my friend, chances are you are on here somewhere. If not, well...

Just kidding! I can always add more pictures or swap them out.

I think it's quite cute.

Do you see yourself? It's kind of like i-spy hehehe.

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