Wonderful, fun, beautiful, amazing, blessed, unique, your own

Saturday, January 15, 2011


I went to the OPERA!!! And I can cross that off my bucket list because I don't plan on going back.
It was a great cultural event but BORING.

But I figured, what the heck, I am in Italia and I should go to an Italian opera right? Wrong.  I don't really speak Italian so I didn't know what was going on despite the cheat sheet we had to read before.  I could understand/read a few words but not nearly enough to understand what in the world was going on.  Oh, by the way I went to see Don Pasquale. It's supposed to be a comedy about an old man who tries to find a wife so there's some sort of fake arranged marriage thing that goes on.  In the end, the fake wife is caught cheating on the old man but he's okay with it because she was spending all his money.  Ya, not really sure what the writers of this were thinking.

So I really wanted to go because I could get all dressed up and let's be real- what girl doesn't like to get all dressed up ESPECIALLY when you bought a gorgeous little black dress on sale from White House Black Market after Christmas.  FUN, Fun, fun!!!  We all looked so pretty and some random guy apparently thought so too because he took a group picture of all of us also.  Weird.   But this is a picture of part of my study abroad group!  Yes, I am standing awkwardly to the side but whatev's, I love being awkward sometimes.

Back to the opera.  The set was pretty darn amazing.  It was like a huge dollhouse like thing because it had two big doors on hinges on the front and then it opened to show nine rooms.  Very neat.  Thank goodness for the interesting set because that was the best part. There were also other actors/actresses in the opera that wouldn't be singing.  They would just be acting funny so that was the most interesting thing to watch.

And for those of you who haven't seen an opera before or if you are like me and don't know what in the world an opera is really about, people don't just stand and sing. They actually move around the set and sing.  Larissa, if you read this, you would absolutely hate it.  Beth, you would probably like it if it was in English since it's all singing.

All in all, I am glad I attended this cultural, Italian event.  I felt like a rich, sophisticated Italian woman saying that I was going to the opera.  That being said, if I stay Florence but do become rich and obviously sophisticated, I do not think I will attend another opera.

The end of this rant.
Be excited for Siena info tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Caroline,

    I LOVE this blog. Grandmom gave me the link. I feel like I am there with you while reading all of this (well, not really, but a little). What a wonderful experience for you! The chance of a lifetime for someone your age. Thank you for writing so openly. I look forward to reading every word. Enjoy every minute of your adventure and stay safe. We'll be praying for you! (We've also been bragging about you as if you were our own daughter.)

    Aunt Tracy
