Wonderful, fun, beautiful, amazing, blessed, unique, your own

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Operation Stay OUT of Gainesville for the Summer

Yes, this is my goal.  Pathetic, you say?  No, not really. 
I LOVE my family to death but Gainesville, not so much.

I mean, you are going to drag me from this place 

and expect me to be happy here?

Especially considering it has these: 

And I HATE gators.
  a.) because they are gross
  b.) they should have died with the dino's
  c.) they eat people for the heck of it
  d.) Seminoles dislike gators

Plain and simple.

I will take my chances with a shark any day, thank you very much.

So today I officially made the first part of Operation Stay OUT of Gainesville a go. 

I sent in my forms for Windy Gap (!!!!!!!!!!!) so I will be spending about a month of my summer here.

I am so so so so excited!  

I also sent in my application to work at a country club in North Carolina after I finish at Windy Gap so with any luck, I will be going here next:

But don't worry, I will have about a month in Gainesville with the fam before I go to NC (aka my future home if things with Italy don't work out) and a week or two with them before I go back to Tally.

Since I am in Florence, I will let you feast your eyes on some more amazing pictures of Firenze.  

Me and two of my lovely roommates, Julie and Gabi, walked around the city and up into the hills surrounding for about 2 and 1/2 hours.  It was one of the best days ever. 

Here is some of the great sights we got to feast our eyes on.

Ahhh, so pretty.

Well, I am off to Roma tomorrow morning. 

Expect a plethora of great pictures.

And hopefully I will get to see the Pope!
I really really really want to :)

Have a great weekend friends!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE reading your blog - you are pretty funny! And let me just say that the picture of Windy Gap brings a huge surge of happiness to me :) I just can't express how many wonderful memories I have from that place. Please keep me posted as to your work there this summer and what position you get!
