Wonderful, fun, beautiful, amazing, blessed, unique, your own

Friday, January 21, 2011

Mia Casa

I just got out of a sort of hot shower for the first time since last Friday- talk about AMAZING!  Just so we're clear- I have showered since last Friday. I washed my hair in the sink Sunday (when I burnt my scalp with boiling water), took a tea cup shower on Monday (we boiled water and used a tea cup to scoop it out in the shower), took a coldish shower Tuesday after my run, and took a lukewarm shower yesterday.  Let me tell you, a warm shower as great!

I finally took pics of my house!  Let me give you some background.  I live in an season of The Real World- honestly.  There are 28 of us all living in this HUGEgorgeous house.  We walk into each other's rooms all the time, we share everything, it's loud and CrAzY!!!  Oh, but it is so fun.  

Me and my lovely roommates- Gabi, Carolyn, and Julie (yep, Caroline and Carolyn- confusing!!) live in the penthouse of this house.  We are on the top floor and it's HUGE!  Julie and I share what would be the living room of a normal apartment while Gabi and Carolyn have another room.  We are the only apartment that has a full kitchen (not just a cupboard), we have 2 bathrooms, and 2 walk-in (or walk-through since it's the only way to get to our bathroom) closets.  We have a fireplace that Julie and I use to store our shoes.  Oh, and our views are BEAUTIFUL.  We can see the Boboli gardens from our window.  We have adorable green shutters on the outside of our windows that we shut every night to keep the cold out and wooden panels that we shut on the inside (there's glass in between).  Everyone who comes in here is jealous of us.  

Well, currently I can hear music blasting from downstairs, 4 people have walked in in the past couple of minutes, and someone is having a conversation on the other side of my wall.  Just like The Real World.  Crazy, but we love it.  All we need is a hot tub and it would be complete. 

View from our living room and bed room (it's pretty much the same).                                                                                        Our living/dining room.  This is what you see when you walk in

 Kitchen view and kitchen
                         Julie and I's bathroom and closet

Our view from the closet and the bathroom. I LOVE this view.  There are bells to the left which ring and sound so very pretty. 

Julie and I's bedroom (which is sort of in the real living room) and our fireplace shoe holder.  My bed has the red pillow and flower blanket. 

 My crafts and Gabi and Carolyn's room (plus an extra bed)

 Gabi and Carolyn's bathroom and closet 

TA-DA! That's my Italian home.  


  1. I can't believe you can see the Boboli gardens from your window!! Amazing house!!! So there is no hot water at all in there???

  2. It's great. I am so lucky to be living here. No, there is hot water but since we are at the top floor, we don't get it very often and it has broken twice. It's okay though because I would rather have these views than a hot shower.
