Wonderful, fun, beautiful, amazing, blessed, unique, your own

Monday, February 28, 2011


I am writing this on my iPod on my way to Cork where I will see the Blarney castle and kiss the stone as well as see some beautiful little towns. Dublin is also great and very pretty. The Irish are some of the nicest people I have ever met. They are so helpful and funny. So now back to Dublin. We have been to the Guinness storehouse/factory,Christ cross church, kilmainham prision, saw St. Partricks but we have to go back to go in, went to Dublin castle and grafton street which is famous for shopping. Tomorrow we are going back to St. Patrick's and to Trinity college. I really like Ireland so far. I am really glad I have 5 days here before I head off to london where I will be killed by the pound. Oh well, I wouldn't trade tris opportunity for anything in the world. I am having the time of my life and definitely living the dream.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Spring Break

So I leave in 3 hours for Spring Break. 

That means almost no sleep for me.

Oh well, it's totally worth it since I am going to...




I am going to have so much fun and take about 1000 pictures- literally. 

Yep, I have big plans but not a lot of time to tell you so expect lots of updates when I get back. 

I have to try to sleep now.

I am so excited.

Geeze, I have a hard life. 

What a lucky, blessed person I am.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Running Around

If you know me, you know that I love to exercise and play sports.
My mom is part of the reason since she is in such good shape and is crazy when it comes to exercise.

Since I have been in Italy and not had access to an amazing gym like the Leach Center at FSU, I have started to run. Yes, I do run back in Florida but do I enjoy it? Nope.  But it's a great and usually quick way to get some endorphins flowing.
Running in Florence is a completely different story.
Get ready because this might be the only time you see this:
Yep, I love running here. 
Maybe it's because of the beautiful scenery, the cool, crisp weather, or the air, but I can run so much father, faster, and longer then I can at home.
Oh man, I love it.

How can you not when you run by the buildings in those pictures? 

I definitely look like an American when I run though.  I am staring at all the buildings, looking up at the sky (I probably look stupid) and staring at all the stuff the vendors are selling.  Not to mention, only American girls run.  Seriously.  You see Italian men running in intense running outfits (no nike shorts for them) but never Italian women.  I know only American girls run because they always have on nike shorts and then college shirts or shirts with English writing.  

I don't care. It's beautiful. I have decided and tried to run at least 4 days a week.  It's really not that bad and I have come up with some great loops to run. 
So, if you don't like to run but you would like to learn to love it, come to Florence!  

Just another reason why this place is the best.

Oh- and as promised- here is my Carnivale Mask!

Warning: Pictures are scary 

Told ya so.

PS- I am buying leather boots today!  So excited!!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Last bit of my family

We are up to Thursday now :)

So Thursday we went to Pisa! I had already been but I think it was neat for my family to see the Leaning Tower and the Cathedral there, which is really pretty. I am glad I went back too because I will hopefully really remember it forever.

We took some fun, cheesy pictures.  But, isn't that the entire point of going?

 Go Kenny!

 Yay Mom!

 So Cute!





 Flying squirrel 

          Ahh, Pisa.  What fun you are.
Then we came back to Florence since it was raining- boo :(.  We went out to dinner that night will all my roommates- Carolyn, Gabriela, and Julie.  It was really fun and this little place my family found on their own <aren't you proud of them?> was really quite tasty.  We, meaning my roommates and I, decided we are definitely going back.

So Friday I had to go to the Immigration Office since I LIVE here <it makes me so happy every time I think, say, or write that> and then to a lecture for one of my teachers.
What did my family do while I was busy you may be asking?  Well, being the great daughter/sister that I am, found a tour that took them to 2 little Tuscan towns- Siena and San Gimigano!  Yes, I had already been to these places so I knew what I was signing them up for.  So how perfect was that? I could do my school stuff and they could explore some more of Italy. Genius!
We met up for dinner and gelato of course at the end of the day.

Saturday was absolutely beautiful, quite possibly one of the best days that we have had here thus far.  It was sunny and warm (50's people!!!!!) so we took full advantage and were outside all day.  First they got pastries and then we walked to the Piazza Republica, then to the Duomo/baptistery then back to San Lorenzo so Mom and Alli could each buy another purse.  Poor Kenny and Dad being dragged back.
We went to gustapizza for lunch which is oh so yummy.  Then we desperately needed to walk so I took them to the Piazza de Michelangelo which has stunning views of Florence spread out below.  We took some great pictures and then I took them to the church of San Miniato which also looks out over Florence.  To walk back down into the city, I took them on this walk that shows a little bit of the countryside and then you walk down this super quaint Italian street that I will call my home one day.  It was so nice.  We walked back over the Ponte Vecchio and through the streets of Florence before going to dinner.  They chose to go back to the place they took me and my roommates and it was great again.

Unfortunately, this was the end of their trip since their flight left at 7:00 AM from Florence.  It was so great to have them here and I loved every minute of it.  I think my dad should invest in a vacation home over here...

P.S.- Like my new bike?
    I wish

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Family Time

So this continues what my family and I did while they were visiting me :)

So Monday, I had to go to school-yuck- while my family took a tour of the city.  Yes, one of those tours where a huge MOB of people walk around following a woman holding a little flag in the air and talking into her little microphone so the group can hear through their earphones (I don't think that my families was like this but whatever)  For locals like me, these groups are SUPER annoying, especially when they are one of the hundreds of Asian tour groups.  Don't get me wrong, the Asians are super sweet but they travel in packs of at least 40 people.  Really, I didn't know Florence was such a popular destination.  Wow, tangent.

<This is Kenny and his brother from another mother my parents have yet to adopt>

Okay, so after class, we met up and I showed them my apartment.  I think that they liked it.  I was proud to show it to them since it is so pretty. Then we went to dinner and ate some gelato. Yummo.
So Tuesday I had class again and my family went to the Uffizi and to see David. We ran into each other on the streets while they were getting lunch and I was heading back to class which was so neat since Florence is a good sized city.
<-- Duomo ceiling

After all that was over, we went to San Lorenzo Market which is the huge leather market in Florence.  My sister bought a wallet, brother bought a wallet and a belt, my mom bought a backpack and I may or may not have bought some things for my friends.

Then we went and climbed up to the Duomo.  Well, my mom, dad, Kenny and I made it to the top.  The views were super pretty from the top and their was no cage thing in the way. My dad felt like he was going to fall over the railing but I guess that's what happens when you're 6'6''.  I thought it was beautiful and I fell in love with beautiful Florence a little more.

We went to dinner at one of my meal ticket places, Anita's, and then ate some gelato- surprise surprise!

Wednesday I just had photography and since my parent's apartment was about 3 minutes from the study center, I went back to retrieve them when I finished. We went back to San Lorenzo where Alli bought her first purse and some key chains.  We went into the food market that is there and it is beautiful! I can not wait to go back and try some of the yummy and super fresh food.

We then went to the Baptistry which is so pretty.  Once again, I am so happy that I did all this touristy stuff with my family because it really is neat to see.

Then, this is exciting, Alli and I went back to the study center to make carnivale masks!  This was the first crafty thing that I have done since I have been over here and let's just say I was having withdrawals. I haven't taken a picture of it yet, but I will soon and show you all it.  It's kind of creepy but then again, aren't all masks?
Alli and I went out to dinner and got gelato just the two of us which was nice.
That's all I have right now.  I am so tired and I have 2 midterms tomorrow that I need to be rested for.  Although I studied a lot for them, I am trusting that God will help me out.  Good night friends!
<-- Baptistry ceiling

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Love my Family

My family came to visit me in Florence and let me tell you, I had a great time with them.  At first, I thought that 10 days would be a good amount of time for them to be here but when I woke up this morning and realized that they were on an airplane heading back to the US of A, I wished they were still here.  I miss them so much already.  As crazy and loud and non-Italian language speaking as they may be, they are still my family and I love them so much.

They first day they arrived I had high hopes for what we were going to do.  I told my mom to drug everyone up on some Tylenol PM since that knocked me out for 7 hours on the flight over here but she didn't because they didn't really have ideal flights for sleeping.  Needless to say, they were exhausted when they arrived.  I still managed to drag them to my favorite little sandwich shop, Noe, and took them to the Chocolate Festival and Santa Croce- the largest Franciscan church in the WORLD!  They really enjoyed Noe (or so they said) and the chocolate festival was yummy.  I think they liked Santa Croce at the time, but they were so tired they had to go back to their apartment and sleep.  Poor little jet-lagged family.  We went to dinner at a restaurant literally right across the street from them.  Then we went to see the Duomo at night and ate some gelato since Kenny made it his mission to eat gelato at least once a day.  All in all, a good day.

The next day we woke up bright and somewhat early to go to Fiesole where there are ancient Roman and Etruscan ruins.  You might remember that I went here too on of my first days.  Alli was in heaven and took about a thousand pictures of the ruins for her Latin project next year- overachiever warning.  I think it was really interesting for them to see these super old structures and be able to touch and climb them.  We went to lunch at one of the best restaurants that I have been too.  My pici with pomodoro and parmesan was so yummy.

After Fiesole, we came back to lovely Florence and climbed up to the top of the bell tower.  The views were so pretty from up there.  It was neat to be able to see Florence all spread out below.  We also went to mass at the Duomo which was a great experience for my family.  I know that my mom and I enjoyed it and I think it was a unique (insert boring) experience for Alli and Kenny.

For dinner that night, we went to a not so great restaurant but we had gelato after which definitely made up for it.

So, that's two days down and unfortunately I have midterms this week which I have to study for and I think a run is calling my name BUT I will probably blog again later today and let you all know about more of my wonderful trip with my family

Friday, February 18, 2011



Have I been M.I.A. these last couple of days or what?

Well, not that I like excuses but my family has been here so I have been spending most of my time with them.  It was has been nice to see them and show them my home.  I think I will just stay here forever. 

On Friday before my family arrived, I went to Volterra and San Gimignano with my school.  They are super pretty little medieval towns.  The bus ride to Volterra was super windy though and our bus, like all other moving vehicles here, was stick shift so it would stall, roll backwards, and then go forward.  This happened multiple times.  As my roommate Carolyn would say, "not okay!"

Once we got to Volterra (any Twilight fans?) we saw the main Piazza where they filmed that awful great movie. Then we went to their cathedral and a museum.  We were only in Volterra for about 2 hours so I didn't get a real feel of the city. We saw some neat stuff though.

On our way to San Gimignano, we stopped at this super yummy place to eat.  Definitely the best group meal yet.  We had lasagna, chicken, potatoes, peas, and vanilla ice cream with blackberry sauce.  Soooo good.

I loved San Gimignano.  In fact, that is where my family is right now!  It is a beautiful town that used to have 70 skyscrapers but now only 7 remain.  The views are amazing from here and the town is so cute!  There are two towers there that the architect who designed the Twin Towers got his idea from.  True story.

  that was a great day for me!  Then my family came and we have been doing lots of touristy things which I will tell you about later.  I am currently in the midst of midterm studying (yuck) and I can already tell that Sunday is going to be a long day of sitting and learning.  Not fun my friends, not fun. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Last Day of Paris

Our last day, we went to the Eiffel Tower in the morning and Julie and I went all the way to the top!  As soon as we 
made it up, they closed the top tier so thank goodness we got there early.  It was super windy and cold but the views were pretty amazing.  The elevator up wasn't bad, but I didn't like the way down. All I could do was think of Tower of Terror. Thank goodness that didn't occur!

After the Eiffel we went to the d'Orasay Museum.  It has impressionism type paintings which are my favorite. We saw Seurat, Monet, and Van Gogh.  Unfortunately, you couldn't take any pictures there. Oh, and if you are a Gossip Girl fan like me, the d'Orsay museum is the museum that Blair went to everyday that she was in Paris to look at a painting and hope that a smart, attractive boy would come and talk to her. 

Then we went up to Montmartre, which is a hill town that looks out above Paris.  They sell painting here but I couldn't find one that I absolutely loved, just a bunch that I liked so I didn't get one.  Instead, I ate another crepe (which are absolutely delish) and some macaroons (which are oh so yummy).  Montmartre was really cute. 
The plain ride home was not so fun. Our plane couldn't land in Pisa because of fog so we had to land in Genoa, take a bus to Pisa airport, a taxi to Pisa train station, take a super gross, sketchy bus to Florence train station, then take a taxi to our apartment. We got home at 4am instead of 11 when we were supposed too. 

Thank goodness the wonderfulness of Paris made up for the trip home.  I had such a good trip!