Wonderful, fun, beautiful, amazing, blessed, unique, your own

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Family Time

So this continues what my family and I did while they were visiting me :)

So Monday, I had to go to school-yuck- while my family took a tour of the city.  Yes, one of those tours where a huge MOB of people walk around following a woman holding a little flag in the air and talking into her little microphone so the group can hear through their earphones (I don't think that my families was like this but whatever)  For locals like me, these groups are SUPER annoying, especially when they are one of the hundreds of Asian tour groups.  Don't get me wrong, the Asians are super sweet but they travel in packs of at least 40 people.  Really, I didn't know Florence was such a popular destination.  Wow, tangent.

<This is Kenny and his brother from another mother my parents have yet to adopt>

Okay, so after class, we met up and I showed them my apartment.  I think that they liked it.  I was proud to show it to them since it is so pretty. Then we went to dinner and ate some gelato. Yummo.
So Tuesday I had class again and my family went to the Uffizi and to see David. We ran into each other on the streets while they were getting lunch and I was heading back to class which was so neat since Florence is a good sized city.
<-- Duomo ceiling

After all that was over, we went to San Lorenzo Market which is the huge leather market in Florence.  My sister bought a wallet, brother bought a wallet and a belt, my mom bought a backpack and I may or may not have bought some things for my friends.

Then we went and climbed up to the Duomo.  Well, my mom, dad, Kenny and I made it to the top.  The views were super pretty from the top and their was no cage thing in the way. My dad felt like he was going to fall over the railing but I guess that's what happens when you're 6'6''.  I thought it was beautiful and I fell in love with beautiful Florence a little more.

We went to dinner at one of my meal ticket places, Anita's, and then ate some gelato- surprise surprise!

Wednesday I just had photography and since my parent's apartment was about 3 minutes from the study center, I went back to retrieve them when I finished. We went back to San Lorenzo where Alli bought her first purse and some key chains.  We went into the food market that is there and it is beautiful! I can not wait to go back and try some of the yummy and super fresh food.

We then went to the Baptistry which is so pretty.  Once again, I am so happy that I did all this touristy stuff with my family because it really is neat to see.

Then, this is exciting, Alli and I went back to the study center to make carnivale masks!  This was the first crafty thing that I have done since I have been over here and let's just say I was having withdrawals. I haven't taken a picture of it yet, but I will soon and show you all it.  It's kind of creepy but then again, aren't all masks?
Alli and I went out to dinner and got gelato just the two of us which was nice.
That's all I have right now.  I am so tired and I have 2 midterms tomorrow that I need to be rested for.  Although I studied a lot for them, I am trusting that God will help me out.  Good night friends!
<-- Baptistry ceiling

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that baptistry!!! Did they explain all the stuff in there to you? I eat it up - you know..Church history is my fav!
