Wonderful, fun, beautiful, amazing, blessed, unique, your own

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


UGH, the internet here stinks!! I probably shouldn't complain too much considering that this is the first semester that they have had internet for the FSU Florence program, but really it should NOT take over 15 minutes of waiting for me to try to load ONE picture on this blog so that you all can see the Roman Forum.  Hopefully tomorrow it will be working better.

If not, here is what my end of the week/weekend looks like. It's going to be super fun and I would be jealous of myself.

Tomorrow (Thursday): Wake up, eat oatmeal, run, shower, study some more, eat a panini, one last cram, take my Italian quiz, go to the train station, go to Pisa, get on a plane to PARIS!!! Arrive in Paris and possibly eat some crepes for dinner, see something pretty and Paris-y.

Friday: Versailles in the morning, Louvre and some incorrupt Saints in the afternoon, Eiffel Tower at night

Saturday: Disneyland Paris in the morning!!!!!!, Arc de Triomphe and Chance de Lise in the afternoon/evening and maybe the Isle de Saint-Louis

Sunday: Montemar in the morning, anything touristy that we forgot in the afternoon, some shopping, some more crepes and macaroons, leave Paris at 8:30 to go to Pisa, train to Florence, maybe watch the Super Bowl (but it doesn't come on until 2 AM over here so probably not)

There- that's my weekend!   

I hope you have a splendid one too!  I will try very hard between my run and studying (which I have already done lot's of) to blog a bit more about Rome so you are all in the know)

Goodnight :)

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