Wonderful, fun, beautiful, amazing, blessed, unique, your own

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Last Day of Paris

Our last day, we went to the Eiffel Tower in the morning and Julie and I went all the way to the top!  As soon as we 
made it up, they closed the top tier so thank goodness we got there early.  It was super windy and cold but the views were pretty amazing.  The elevator up wasn't bad, but I didn't like the way down. All I could do was think of Tower of Terror. Thank goodness that didn't occur!

After the Eiffel we went to the d'Orasay Museum.  It has impressionism type paintings which are my favorite. We saw Seurat, Monet, and Van Gogh.  Unfortunately, you couldn't take any pictures there. Oh, and if you are a Gossip Girl fan like me, the d'Orsay museum is the museum that Blair went to everyday that she was in Paris to look at a painting and hope that a smart, attractive boy would come and talk to her. 

Then we went up to Montmartre, which is a hill town that looks out above Paris.  They sell painting here but I couldn't find one that I absolutely loved, just a bunch that I liked so I didn't get one.  Instead, I ate another crepe (which are absolutely delish) and some macaroons (which are oh so yummy).  Montmartre was really cute. 
The plain ride home was not so fun. Our plane couldn't land in Pisa because of fog so we had to land in Genoa, take a bus to Pisa airport, a taxi to Pisa train station, take a super gross, sketchy bus to Florence train station, then take a taxi to our apartment. We got home at 4am instead of 11 when we were supposed too. 

Thank goodness the wonderfulness of Paris made up for the trip home.  I had such a good trip!

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