Wonderful, fun, beautiful, amazing, blessed, unique, your own

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Love my Family

My family came to visit me in Florence and let me tell you, I had a great time with them.  At first, I thought that 10 days would be a good amount of time for them to be here but when I woke up this morning and realized that they were on an airplane heading back to the US of A, I wished they were still here.  I miss them so much already.  As crazy and loud and non-Italian language speaking as they may be, they are still my family and I love them so much.

They first day they arrived I had high hopes for what we were going to do.  I told my mom to drug everyone up on some Tylenol PM since that knocked me out for 7 hours on the flight over here but she didn't because they didn't really have ideal flights for sleeping.  Needless to say, they were exhausted when they arrived.  I still managed to drag them to my favorite little sandwich shop, Noe, and took them to the Chocolate Festival and Santa Croce- the largest Franciscan church in the WORLD!  They really enjoyed Noe (or so they said) and the chocolate festival was yummy.  I think they liked Santa Croce at the time, but they were so tired they had to go back to their apartment and sleep.  Poor little jet-lagged family.  We went to dinner at a restaurant literally right across the street from them.  Then we went to see the Duomo at night and ate some gelato since Kenny made it his mission to eat gelato at least once a day.  All in all, a good day.

The next day we woke up bright and somewhat early to go to Fiesole where there are ancient Roman and Etruscan ruins.  You might remember that I went here too on of my first days.  Alli was in heaven and took about a thousand pictures of the ruins for her Latin project next year- overachiever warning.  I think it was really interesting for them to see these super old structures and be able to touch and climb them.  We went to lunch at one of the best restaurants that I have been too.  My pici with pomodoro and parmesan was so yummy.

After Fiesole, we came back to lovely Florence and climbed up to the top of the bell tower.  The views were so pretty from up there.  It was neat to be able to see Florence all spread out below.  We also went to mass at the Duomo which was a great experience for my family.  I know that my mom and I enjoyed it and I think it was a unique (insert boring) experience for Alli and Kenny.

For dinner that night, we went to a not so great restaurant but we had gelato after which definitely made up for it.

So, that's two days down and unfortunately I have midterms this week which I have to study for and I think a run is calling my name BUT I will probably blog again later today and let you all know about more of my wonderful trip with my family

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