Wonderful, fun, beautiful, amazing, blessed, unique, your own

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Last bit of my family

We are up to Thursday now :)

So Thursday we went to Pisa! I had already been but I think it was neat for my family to see the Leaning Tower and the Cathedral there, which is really pretty. I am glad I went back too because I will hopefully really remember it forever.

We took some fun, cheesy pictures.  But, isn't that the entire point of going?

 Go Kenny!

 Yay Mom!

 So Cute!





 Flying squirrel 

          Ahh, Pisa.  What fun you are.
Then we came back to Florence since it was raining- boo :(.  We went out to dinner that night will all my roommates- Carolyn, Gabriela, and Julie.  It was really fun and this little place my family found on their own <aren't you proud of them?> was really quite tasty.  We, meaning my roommates and I, decided we are definitely going back.

So Friday I had to go to the Immigration Office since I LIVE here <it makes me so happy every time I think, say, or write that> and then to a lecture for one of my teachers.
What did my family do while I was busy you may be asking?  Well, being the great daughter/sister that I am, found a tour that took them to 2 little Tuscan towns- Siena and San Gimigano!  Yes, I had already been to these places so I knew what I was signing them up for.  So how perfect was that? I could do my school stuff and they could explore some more of Italy. Genius!
We met up for dinner and gelato of course at the end of the day.

Saturday was absolutely beautiful, quite possibly one of the best days that we have had here thus far.  It was sunny and warm (50's people!!!!!) so we took full advantage and were outside all day.  First they got pastries and then we walked to the Piazza Republica, then to the Duomo/baptistery then back to San Lorenzo so Mom and Alli could each buy another purse.  Poor Kenny and Dad being dragged back.
We went to gustapizza for lunch which is oh so yummy.  Then we desperately needed to walk so I took them to the Piazza de Michelangelo which has stunning views of Florence spread out below.  We took some great pictures and then I took them to the church of San Miniato which also looks out over Florence.  To walk back down into the city, I took them on this walk that shows a little bit of the countryside and then you walk down this super quaint Italian street that I will call my home one day.  It was so nice.  We walked back over the Ponte Vecchio and through the streets of Florence before going to dinner.  They chose to go back to the place they took me and my roommates and it was great again.

Unfortunately, this was the end of their trip since their flight left at 7:00 AM from Florence.  It was so great to have them here and I loved every minute of it.  I think my dad should invest in a vacation home over here...

P.S.- Like my new bike?
    I wish

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