Wonderful, fun, beautiful, amazing, blessed, unique, your own

Wednesday, February 9, 2011



 It is a beautiful city.

The architecture is just stunning and oh so elegant.

I seriously could look at it for days.

<Thank goodness I took over 400 pictures during this trip>

Really, how could you NOT love this city?

So the first day we got to Paris around 10 pm since we had school in the morning/afternoon. <just to clarify, we is me and my friends Julie and Sara.  Julie's friend Katilynn joined us too on occasion>

Then we went and ate Chinese food- super random, I know but super yummy.  Plus, Chinese was the only food we could find that was open at 10:30 at night.

The next morning we went to Versailles! Home to French royalty and Marie Antoinette. We also found a Starbucks where I proceeded to have pancakes (!) which I had been craving and a hot chocolate. Walking into Starbucks was like walking into a good friend home.  It was so nice.

So back to Versailles.  The palace is HUGE and there is so so so much gold.  It is somewhat sickening.  I took a bunch of pictures of rooms but I will only show you my favs so I don't bore you to death.  Oh, and can I just add that although Versailles was huge, could Marie Antoinette pick a more obvious place to hide before she was beheaded? "Oh, I'll go to the place, they won't find me there." Really Marie?

So moving on.  The picture to the right is of the hall of mirrors which was beautiful.  I loved the chandeliers.

Next is the king's room followed by my favorite room- the queen's room.
This is pretty neat, the fabric and bedspread and everything are original!

The queen's room was so pretty- it had yellow and blue flowers all over it.
I kind of want it to be my inspiration for my room next year but I am not sure if I am totally into a country flowered theme.

This is a picture of Marie Antoinette's house.  Since she didn't like her husband, he gave her this house as a gift so she could live here.  He never spent the night either- he would just come visit her.  What a poor, unhappy couple.

This is Marie Antoinette's bedroom.  It was super cute but the bed was really, really tiny.  She must have been short!

 This is me and my friends/travel buddies- Sara, Julie and me- with the gardens of Versailles in the background.

Next up was the Louvre.  Sara and I went while Julie met up with her friend Kaitlynn.  We managed to to see everything important in just about 2 hours! I would consider that a success.  I am sure there is some we missed, but my mind was slowly being filled up so many rooms filled with beautiful things that I was being overloaded. 

 So I saw the Mona Lisa which was pretty darn neat.  I knew it was small, so it wasn't a big disappointment.  In fact, it was bigger then I thought it would have been.
We also saw Egyptian artifacts, Etruscan artifacts, royalty crowns and dishes, lots of paintings, the statue of Venus and some others.
 We saw moats since the Louvre used to be a castle. This was nifty.

 Then at night we went to see the Eiffel all light up. It is so pretty and so much bigger then I thought it would be.  It's huge and amazing.

It was a great, fun day!

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