Wonderful, fun, beautiful, amazing, blessed, unique, your own

Friday, February 18, 2011



Have I been M.I.A. these last couple of days or what?

Well, not that I like excuses but my family has been here so I have been spending most of my time with them.  It was has been nice to see them and show them my home.  I think I will just stay here forever. 

On Friday before my family arrived, I went to Volterra and San Gimignano with my school.  They are super pretty little medieval towns.  The bus ride to Volterra was super windy though and our bus, like all other moving vehicles here, was stick shift so it would stall, roll backwards, and then go forward.  This happened multiple times.  As my roommate Carolyn would say, "not okay!"

Once we got to Volterra (any Twilight fans?) we saw the main Piazza where they filmed that awful great movie. Then we went to their cathedral and a museum.  We were only in Volterra for about 2 hours so I didn't get a real feel of the city. We saw some neat stuff though.

On our way to San Gimignano, we stopped at this super yummy place to eat.  Definitely the best group meal yet.  We had lasagna, chicken, potatoes, peas, and vanilla ice cream with blackberry sauce.  Soooo good.

I loved San Gimignano.  In fact, that is where my family is right now!  It is a beautiful town that used to have 70 skyscrapers but now only 7 remain.  The views are amazing from here and the town is so cute!  There are two towers there that the architect who designed the Twin Towers got his idea from.  True story.

  that was a great day for me!  Then my family came and we have been doing lots of touristy things which I will tell you about later.  I am currently in the midst of midterm studying (yuck) and I can already tell that Sunday is going to be a long day of sitting and learning.  Not fun my friends, not fun. 

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