Wonderful, fun, beautiful, amazing, blessed, unique, your own

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Running Around

If you know me, you know that I love to exercise and play sports.
My mom is part of the reason since she is in such good shape and is crazy when it comes to exercise.

Since I have been in Italy and not had access to an amazing gym like the Leach Center at FSU, I have started to run. Yes, I do run back in Florida but do I enjoy it? Nope.  But it's a great and usually quick way to get some endorphins flowing.
Running in Florence is a completely different story.
Get ready because this might be the only time you see this:
Yep, I love running here. 
Maybe it's because of the beautiful scenery, the cool, crisp weather, or the air, but I can run so much father, faster, and longer then I can at home.
Oh man, I love it.

How can you not when you run by the buildings in those pictures? 

I definitely look like an American when I run though.  I am staring at all the buildings, looking up at the sky (I probably look stupid) and staring at all the stuff the vendors are selling.  Not to mention, only American girls run.  Seriously.  You see Italian men running in intense running outfits (no nike shorts for them) but never Italian women.  I know only American girls run because they always have on nike shorts and then college shirts or shirts with English writing.  

I don't care. It's beautiful. I have decided and tried to run at least 4 days a week.  It's really not that bad and I have come up with some great loops to run. 
So, if you don't like to run but you would like to learn to love it, come to Florence!  

Just another reason why this place is the best.

Oh- and as promised- here is my Carnivale Mask!

Warning: Pictures are scary 

Told ya so.

PS- I am buying leather boots today!  So excited!!!!

1 comment:

  1. can't get enough of these updates! I just love hearing your stories :) Keep on runnin'!
